Monday, June 30, 2008

i went to vegas last weekend. it was good seeing everyone. really hot, but dry hot. not humid nasty hot like southern california. on the way home, there were a bunch of accidents on the 15 freeway and the traffic was completely stopped at 11am. so we got off at stateline to ride the rollercoaster at Buffalo Bills (scariest experience ever) and found out that the freeway was going to be shut down until 9pm. We got a room for 28 dollars (which smelled like a fart) and spent the night at stateline. When I got home, one of my fish was missing and my window had been closed all weekend and it was uncomfortable. But it was a lot of fun seeing everyone and having fun with some friends on the last day.

speaking of my fish, the silver one disappeared completely while i was gone, and i found the little black one dead at the bottom a couple days afterwards. now it's just the big black one and i'm kind of waiting for him to croak as well. bummer.

yesterday i was surfing with alex serafin and brad and his son down at san onofre and a guy about 20 feet away from me was talking and i thought he sounded familiar so i paddled up next to him and asked him what his name was.
"Yea how did you know?"
"I used to go to the Vineyard in La Habra. I'm Heidi Lynn's little brother."
"Oh crazy. Yea I havent been walking straight. Dont be like me man."
and then he caught a wave in a left. I dont think he remembered me but he has a very distinctive voice. Funny huh?

thats about it. hope you guys are doing well.


Unknown said...

Oh, bummer about your fish! I am so sad for you!!! :( Are you going to try and figure out what happened?

And I don't get Ben's comment at all, that was weird. But that is funny that you recognized his voice!

I'm glad you had a good time in Vegas and didn't seem too upset about the 15 getting shut down. That's pretty crazy. I'm glad it didn't happen to us just a week before. I would have been in a terrible mood.

Daniel said...

How does a fish DISAPPEAR? Did one of the others eat him? Your dad wouldn't have pulled him out if he died and flushed him w/o telling you, would he? Crazy! Hope the last remaining survivor keeps on swimmin'

Glad you had fun in Vegas! I've always seen that rollercoaster, but never thought it looked very I want to try it out :)

That's so random that you ran into Ben. Of all the people in all the places...