Thursday, April 17, 2008

quick update

I dropped math. Just couldn't hang this semester. It bummed me out about as much as the other two times I've dropped math class.

A couple months ago the guys in tiefighter asked if I would rejoin the band to tour Europe with them this month. The drummer couldn't make the trip so their guitarist was going to play drums and I would take over my old position on guitar. It was difficult turning the offer down (especially since they offered to pay my airfare) but in the end, the touring is exactly why I left the band so I said no. Well I found out that they had a head on collision with a truck on the autobahn by Eindhoven yesterday morning and totaled their van. Jesse, the other guitarist went through the windshield and landed on the hood. No one was seriously hurt or killed miraculously. but for as much as they party, I honestly wasn't surprised when I found out.

I have my preliminary application to fill out and send in for Los Angeles County Sheriffs, I'll be sending that in this weekend. I supposed next week I should get on LAPD and Orange County Sheriffs too. My friend who is a deputy is telling me all departments are going to hit a hiring freeze this time next year so now is the time to start the process. This is also the same deputy who tells me that no matter they ask you, "it never happened". I don't care if I don't get the job, I'm not going to lie. Wish me luck.

Here's an older picture of me surfing. The Miller's found it and gave it to me.

One California Day
A surf documentary. A look at the California surfing experience. Showcases footage of 7 prominent surfers from different regions and counties, different surf breaks from Baja all the way up to San Francisco, and footage of the older guys who pioneered longboarding. Amazing editing for a surf documentary. The opening scene of the movie shows the two logs I park next to down at San Onofre beach. When I saw it I immediately thought "Hey! That's exactly where I park and put my wetsuit on!" Scored big points there. It was neat being able to see different beaches we surf at in the movie, along with landmarks like the two logs I park next to or Blackies Bar (the bar we park in front of down at Newport with the Millers). I enjoyed this movie a lot and I think they did a good job at showing images of California for what it truly is (runoff, tract housing, rural central california, LA basin, etc) but I think they omitted filming how crowded the breaks really get. They didn't have to make a huge point of it, but it needed to be in the movie more than it was. But anyways, I'm no professional surfer, and I'm not even sure if it's something I'll be doing for the rest of my life. But I'm glad I picked up this movie, I'm going to try and hold onto it for as long as I can because when I watch it, it reminds of how much fun I have when my friends and I are paddling up and down the coast looking for waves.


Unknown said...

Chad, I am so proud of you for turning down the offer to tour with Tiefighter. It will be awesome for you to see Europe one day, but on your own terms with people you feel comfortable hanging around. I am SOOOO thankful that you were not in that van and am also thankful that no one was seriously hurt. Wow.

Sorry about math. Are you going to try again next semester? Good luck with the applications! I will be praying for you. And I totally agree that you shouldn't lie. God will honor that and whatever happens is exactly what He wants for you.

I love you and can't wait to see you next week! Do you think we can all have lunch after your classes on Friday? That might be our only chance to see you.

Unknown said...

Have I mentioned that I'm really excited to see you on Friday???