Wednesday, March 26, 2008

new surfboard

A quick little update because I'm extremely tired.

I got a C+ on my first math test for math 71. A lot better than I expected, I haven't been studying as much as I should be for it. Stoked on that. C's earn degrees.

I turned in a chapter from my novel to my creative writing class, it's also why I'm so tired. I procrastinated finishing it until last night. I had to print thirty copies for the class and our printer is broken. So I went to the Kinko's in La Puente at 12:30 in the morning to find out they closed at 12. I was under the impression Kinko's was open twenty four hours. They opened at 6am this morning and I had to be back at school at 8am. So I didn't sleep much fearing I wouldn't wake up in time. So I was at Kinko's all morning putting together tons of these little chapters. Not to mention I surfed yesterday afternoon and tonight, but that's beside the point. After the teacher read the chapter to the class, nobody said anything. Usually everyone claps after someone's story is read aloud. I think it kind of bummed them out. But I don't know. Maybe they were just bored. But it was really quiet afterwards and kind of embarassing. The professor liked my descriptions of the characters and imagery so much that she used the chapter to talk about her lesson plan for the day. After the class she said she has read a lot of student's work and that it's rare to find a piece of work written so well in her class. I'm really excited about this class. I had been pretty unmotivated to work on my novel for the last three months but this class has definitely given me inspiration and ideas I'm putting to good use. Like I've said before though, writing a novel is probably one of the hardest things I've ever attempted doing, even more so than math. The best way I can describe it is this. You know very little about computers and someone asks you to build one. Not build one like "Okay, here's the monitor, plug the mouse into the hard drive or whatever, speakers go here.." No. I mean like soldering together every transistor and circuit and all the wiring without ever having tried it before. You know what a transistor does, and you know what a power source does too, but you have no idea how many you need or where they go or if they should be at the beginning or the end of the circuit. The most ominous thing about writing a novel, to me, is that you wont even know if it's good until it's finished. Blah. That's my rant on writing this book. I'm beyond stoked to have these ideas in hard copy, if it turns out anything like I'm expecting it to, it should be a very memorable read.

I bought a new surfboard. It's about a foot longer than my old board. It's shaped a little differently too. A little more suited to a higher experience level. It's amazing how the smallest differences in the angle and shape of the foam can mean the difference between catching a wave or not. Check it out.

Plus Brad and I finished the damage repairs to the blue and white Isle board pictured in the background. That means I have an extra board for someone to use should they wish try it out.


Reason to Believe
Pennywise has joined the "free download" bandwagon. I downloaded the entire album for free this morning from the band's myspace. I think this free album trend is a great idea, I would have never bought the album. But since I got it for free, I've been listening to it all day and it brings me back to the days when I was thirteen, skating around Walnut with Geoff and Keith. Good nostalgia factor with this band. I gave it a C because it's pretty much the same album the band always comes out with. Fast drums, shredding guitars, semi-posi lyrics, lots of "WHOA's" and some gang chants here and there. It gets me pumped, makes me want to go skating, and mosh really hard. Big points there.

P.S. Apparently the owner of Barros didn't murder his wife. It was another restaurant? I don't know. The girl I went on a date with last week still works at Barros and she said that everyone has been asking about it and that it's not true. Speaking of her, I don't want to go out with her anymore, she's lame. Oh well.

Ok. I'm going to bed. Have a great week you guys.


Unknown said...

Hey Chad! Congratulations on getting rave reviews from your creative writing teacher! That's so awesome and I'll bet it feels so good. Your creative genius-ness probably went over the students' heads and that's why they were so quiet. They're just dumb. haha...

And I'm glad you got a new board! Maybe Daniel or I will have to try your old one sometime...

Sorry about the girl. I'm glad you figured out she was lame before going on many more dates though...

Love you!

Daniel said...

That's awesome your teacher had such good things to say in response to your writing! I'm sure you had your classmates in awe, which left them speechless :) ...uncultured swine! hahaha Anyway, you've got the talent to write a book. Even though you aren't sure exactly how to do it, I know you have the instinct to create something awesome. Its not like math where there is only one formula that can make it your own, which is really cool. It IS a huge undertaking, but don't give up on it!

The new board looks hot! Glad to hear it's working well for you...I thought the damage to the Isle was too much for Brad's skill. Glad you got it done though! I'd love to go with you if we get a chance sometime! I tried it once in jr. high...i got up for a few seconds before I biffed it. It was fun though!

Chad said...

thanks you guys. id love to get you two out there with me at least. id really like to pick up a really big log so that if we did go, you guys would have no sweat catching a few waves.