Thursday, March 6, 2008


I want to apologize to you guys for not calling while Dad was in the hospital. It was pretty irresponsible of me. I'm glad he's alright. When I got home from the hospital the night I took him to the emergency room, Woofie was sleeping by the door and Lila was sitting on top of the bar meowing. It's strange how animals know when somethings up. I think that night might have been the saddest night of my life. Probably the loneliest I've ever felt in my life. It sounds cliche to say "we take a lot of things for granted" and I don't really think that's what I'm trying to convey. But I guess after living with Dad for so long, trying to prepare yourself for the worst is nothing like when the worst actually happens. Standing in the living room and having the two of them looking at me, not sure what the three of us were going to do.

Spring semester started last week. I'm taking Math 71, a creative writing class, a narcotics class and a class on "ethnic relations within correctional facilities." Most of the classes I'm taking now are just filler units while I finish math. Math 71 is harder than 51, like I expected it to be. I hope I do well. My creative writing class has given me incentive to write again, a drive I kind of lost since I stopped drinking. I would really like to finish my book. Narcotics and the corrections class are pretty much the same as every other Admin of Justice class I've taken, info on different departments and agencies, depending on who the instructor is and which he/she works for.

Work is the same as always. I was promoted again last week to To-Go. It's less hectic than Expo but my tips fluctuate since I no longer receive a tipshare from all of the servers who work my shift. My tips come directly from the amount of orders I get. So that's a bummer. But it's my last step towards becoming a server. Which would be pretty rad, I think they make a decent amount of money.

I'm going surfing for the first time tomorrow afternoon with the Millers since my accident. We patched up the large hole in the nose of my board. When we filled the hole with styrene resin, it started pushing blood out from the bottom of the ding that soaked into the foam and disappeared. It kind of looked like the board was bleeding. However, junior spotted a large hole behind the left fin box that we hadn't noticed, a hole thats irreparable for Brad's skill at patching dings. So with that, my old blue and white longboard saw it's final wave that morning. It was a good board. Brad bought a nice new Becker 9 foot longboard last week on ebay that should be more tailored to my skill. My old blue Isle board was mainly for beginners. I'm excited to try it out tomorrow.

I don't really have any reviews for this week. There are a couple old albums I've rediscovered and I'll write about them in another entry probably. Until then, if you have a $1.98 to spare, I recommend searching these two songs on Itunes.

Unlucky Stuntman by Bad Astronaut
Motionless by Osker


Unknown said...

Hi Chad! I don't want you to feel bad about not calling. I can imagine what you were probably thinking and feeling. I just wanted to make sure that if something like this ever happens again, I hope you call me. I want to be there for both of you, okay?

Congrats on the promotion! I hope it's not too long before you become a server and make better money! I'm proud of you for working so hard. In math and school too. I really hope this semester is a great one for you.

I'm sorry about your board. :( I hope you had fun surfing today though! So is Brad letting you borrow/use this new board he got until you can get a new one? That's really nice of him.

Oh, and I LOVE the pictures you posted! So awesome!

Love you Chad! Thank you for helping Dad this last weekend. I can't wait to see you guys.

Daniel said...

Is the pic of you playing the show the one we were at? I thought I recognized the interior of the building.

I hope you can pull through math without too much trouble! Don't give up on it, and I'm sure you'll be fine :)

Enjoy surfing again too! I bet the weather is just great for that right about now. Sorry to hear about the board though. Hopefully you can pick up something sweet to replace it once you're making the big bucks as a server!

Take it easy buddy. Catch you soon.