Monday, March 17, 2008

Hi, My Name is Chad

I uploaded a podcast I made a couple months ago. I'm thinking about doing them on a consistent basis. What do you guys think? I'm having trouble finding a legit website for mp3 hosting. Podcast files are super large, the one I made was around 40 MB and most free domains don't allow files that big. Right now it's available to download here, but hopefully I can find a place that allows you to stream directly from the website. Anyways, if you're bored or have some free time while you're working on the computer, go check it out and listen to me talk about stuff and play rock songs. If the link doesn't work, let me know.


Unknown said...

Hi Chad! I clicked on your link and it didn't look right. I think it was asking for a file ID? I don't know. I definitely want to check it out though! If I had any good suggestions on places to podcast, I would let you know, but I don't.

Chad said...

dernit! it worked for my friend, i think. i'll fix this right up.