Monday, January 21, 2008

quick update

I've been surfing a lot more the last couple of weeks. I decided around Christmas that I was going to cut alcohol completely out of my diet for the new year. Not even occasional drinks with coworkers or wherever. It's an expensive habit and there really isn't anything good that comes from it. Just headaches and acting goofy. So with all of this extra money I've saved from not going to bars and being able to wake up really early in the morning has allowed me to go surfing more and more. It's really showing in my performance. I stopped surfing around senior year and it's only been about a year that I've been surfing with my neighbors consistently. But more and more I notice that I'm catching more waves than the people surfing around me. It used to be intimidating surfing with a dozen other people around you in the water (everybody in a wetsuit looks like a better surfer than you) but I've been carving the waves around them and it's a great feeling to see yourself getting better at something you really enjoy.

I was surfing with Brad down at Carlsbad on friday morning. While we were out we noticed dolphins jumping through the swells out in front of us. That's pretty normal, to see dolphins out there. But I turned around to paddle on a wave and right before I stood up, two dolphins jumped out of the water in front of my board, literally a foot or two away from it. It startled me so badly I almost fell. They sure are pretty animals, but there's nothing more unsettling than sitting in the water and seeing dark gray fins coming from the water in front of you. Ick...

Speaking of sealife. I was at San Onofre on Saturday morning and we had a really low-tide that afternoon. After I finished surfing I was poking around the exposed reef because the water was so low. I found little fish and brittle starfish and hermit crabs and stuff. I also found a baby octopus about the size of my hand. I picked it up and when I went to put it back inside the kelp it inked everywhere :-) Anyways it got me wanting a saltwater fish tank. It would be neat to have a tank to maintain and keep some of the neat things I find down at the beach. Like algae or fish and stuff. I've been reading up on them, I want to know as much about what kind of lighting and ways of maintaining pH levels before I actually buy one or put anything alive into it.

I got some bad news a couple of days ago from a coworker. At first I thought it was just a rumor. Then I asked my neighbor when I got home from work who is a regular at Barros and he confirmed it. Then just yesterday, I randomly saw an old coworker from Barros outside of Applebees and he confirmed it as well. Lim, the owner who bought the restaraunt last year, shot his wife and daughter and then himself. They had a foreign exchange student living with them who hid in the closet during the entire ordeal. The sheriffs arrived and the daughter was still alive, albeit shot in the head. The wife had already passed. Daniel, the son who I had worked with the most, is still running the restaurant. I don't know why he wasn't involved in the incident. I cant imagine what going through losing your family to those circumstances is like, nor do I want to. It gives me the creeps just thinking about it and makes me incredibly sad.

Sorry. No reviews this week.


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, I am soooo soooo sorry to hear about the family that owned Barro's. That is so terribly sad. :( Aw, it makes me want to cry.

I am really glad to hear about your New Year's resolution and that you are improving in surfing. Maybe if we're out this summer you can teach me. :)

Love you and miss you!

Chad said...

most definitely. by summer the waters should be warm enough to stay out for a while without a wetsuit. hopefully by then i'll have enough to pick up another board or two. even if i just have two surfboards, you and daniel can take turns and i can help find some good waves for you guys :)

Daniel said...

thanks for the offer to teach/help us man! that would be really cool...even just to watch you doing something you love so much!

My dad kept a salt-water tank for a while to raise horseshoe crabs...they are crazy looking prehistoric things that have the ability to regenerate missing limbs and such (if I remember correctly). I'm sure he'd be more than happy to answer questions or give you pointers about it.

I remember it being a lot of work for him, but he didn't really have any beautiful fish (the crabs just hid in the sand) so the payoff wasn't there as much. I mean, he got it for the crabs, for his scientific interest, so it was what he wanted, but its not quite the same as having something cool to look at.

Unknown said...

I had a dream about swimming with dolphins last night after reading your blog. :)

Chad said...

the dolphins were back yesterday morning. they were even more playful. jumping through the waves and all. hopefully when you guys come out we can get you out in the water really close to them.

ill have to see what your dad thinks about maintaining a tank. he'll probably give me the best advice on whether its a good idea or not.