How was everyone's New Years? Mine was great. This year, as part of my resolutions, I opted not for going out and getting hammered with friends or what have you. So instead I went camping with Brad and Junior down at San Mateo. We surfed San Onofre beach all afternoon on New Year's Eve and it was ridiculously packed with surfers. We made a giant fire at our campsite and grubbed on burritos. Then I read all night in the back of my truck, farting up a storm in my sleeping bag. The next morning we walked down to Trestles Beach, a world-famous beach that I don't usually go to because it's so crowded. However, at 5am on New Years Day all of the other surfers had hangovers, leaving the beach completely to us :) I got a lot of good runs in and it was a great way to start off the New Year.
With some of my Christmas money Dad gave me, I bought a condenser microphone to record with. What's neat about it is that it connects directly to my computer with a USB cable. There is no need for an expensive interface. It's not the best for recording but its perfect for what I do; recording acoustic songs in my bedroom. I've even been thinking about podcasting. But I don't even know what podcasting is so I'll have to check that out as soon as I get a chance.
I've finished two songs so far this week. One is an acoustic cover of an old song by Over It i used to listen to a lot in high school. It's called Blackball. The lyrics really relate to a lot of things that have changed in my life this last year. Leaving tiefighter, turning away from old friends and habits I don't agree with. And especially how much I enjoy surfing. A beach is blackballed when the current gets too strong to surf safely in. I guess you could say the same about different aspects of my life as well.
Despite the din the only thing
I hear is a screaming thought spun in my mind
The need to tell you that
A voice I left behind is following, growing, calling me back.
Just once I wish that some great wave would spray and sweep me off these feet
The cribs got cracks and they all think i'm slipping
Sometimes we fall, sometimes its safe
to hide behind a false face,
This time I've got no faith to hide
Just perfect hindsight.
Cast me out if you can
And if it's unfair, well life's not fair.
So much for pipe dreams,
You label me, I'll level you.
Equipped for this in full; if you've got threats
Come on take your best shot
When I've lost my way I'll stumble back to the lost and found.
The other is an original song I wrote a few years ago after Lindsay and I broke up. It's called A Grand Occasion and it was originally supposed to be the title track to the Code Brown Revival EP. However that EP never happened. The original lyrics to this song were pretty boo-hoo and sappy. Eddie (the chubby baby-faced singer of tiefighter) and I recorded it in his bedroom in 2004. I gave it to her and she gave it back saying she didn't care to hear it. But everyone else thought it was a good song so I decided to re-record it, only now it has slightly different lyrics. The lyrics are up on the myspace. Both of them are available to listen to at
Now, for a whopping five whole reviews...

The Get Up Kid's 2000 breakthrough album, Something To Write Home About, has kind of become the anthem to my life. I'm not sure why it has (besides it being a really really good album) but it's followed me, year to year since I was in junior high. Maybe it was the shirt I bought when I was 14, the black one with the Godfather font across the front. The one I still wear despite all of the holes, deodorant pit stains and age. Maybe it's because I can listen to the album over and over and not get tired of it, the epic snare rolls, crescendos and conviction of the opening track "Holiday" to the soft ballads like "I'll Catch You". Whatever it is, I'm confident that when I'm forty years old, if I listen to Something To Write Home About, I'll remember every single person I've met in the last eight years. So how does a band or an artist live up to standards set by their listeners? They cant. On A Wire came out in 2002 and I almost totally forgot that it was ever released until two weeks ago when I found their Myspace page. There are two standout songs on it, the opening track "Overdue" and "Walking On A Wire", both of which are decent but nothing to write home about.

Hope This Finds You Well by Further Seems Forever
This is a compilation album of Further Seems Forever's three albums. All three had different singers. The first, the singer from Dashboard Confessional, was more upbeat with infectious choruses. The second, some guy who I don't really care for that sounds like every other emo singer. The third being the best, in my opinion, with just a little more character to his voice. They were big while I was in high school but I never really got into them. But now I enjoy the songs I've accumulated from cds Lindsay gave me and various Tooth and Nail compilations. I didn't know which album to buy so this one worked well. There are covers of NSYNC's "Bye Bye Bye" and Weezer's "Say It Aint So" which are interesting for a listen and my favorite songs of the band's career are "Pictures of Shorelines" and "New Year's Project", both of which play very well over my stereo on cold mornings driving down to the beach to go surfing. Itunes labels them as Religious and Gospel and they are/were signed to Tooth and Nail but they still sound pretty secular for the most part. Songs that can be interpreted different ways. Except for the song "Light Up Ahead" which is beautifully composed with a sincere and straightforward chorus. I have been switching between the album version and acoustic version nonstop in my car all week. Its an amazing song. You can hear it (if you haven't already) at or I can burn it for you and mail it you.

Bruce Willis stars as an alcoholic NYPD detective assigned to transport a convict (Mos Def) to a courthouse 16 blocks away from the station. However, Mos Def is a witness set to testify against the misconduct of Willis' detective colleagues (David Morse) who will stop at nothing to make sure Mos Def stays quiet. What ensues is the choice Willis must make between staying loyal to his corrupt friends or saving an innocent life, all within the short distance of 16 blocks. It's a good movie, definitely worth a rent. We watched it at mom's house. However, Mos Def's accent super annoying.

For like two months, I'd hear this question at least twenty times a day: "Hey, have you seen SUPERBAD yet?" Seriously. Every day. I didn't think the 40 year old virgin was very funny, with all of the profanity and cheap sex jokes, Steve Carrell's (sp?) acting kept the movie afloat. I didn't even bother with Knocked Up. But Superbad looked different and I guess for the first half of the movie, it was. The cheap sex jokes and profanity were there, but it still made me laugh. Actually, the scene in the science lab made me laugh really hard. But somewhere near the climax of the movie, it gets extremely boring and the plot seems to fall apart. Kind of shame. Hopefully we'll start to see the "I am McLovin!" one-liners die off. I was sick of them before I even saw the movie.

AHWOSG is a memoir of the author's life in his twenties. His parents die off within a few months of each other and force him and his siblings into moving away from Michigan to the Berkeley/San Francisco areas. He faces the daunting task of taking care of his eight year old brother, maintaining relationships, mourning the loss of his parents, starting his own magazine and keeping his sanity. It is written with a few different creative elements. Character's whose dialogue falls out of character by the author's own imagination, run on sentences, little diagrams within the context and so forth.
I am a fan of memoirs, or faux-memoirs. Any book that can take something boring like working at Staples or throwing a frisbee on a beach and make it interesting probably has great commentary, dialogue or creative writing styles. That's why I'm such a fan of Douglas Coupland, and why my novel resembles these sort of memoirs. I think Douglas Coupland is a better writer than Dave Eggers but at the same time, my novel closely resembled AHWOSG even before I read it, I think it would be optimal to check out some of Egger's other works for inspiration. Because it didn't read like a novel written by an accomplished novelist, it read like a plea from just another twenty-something-year-old. One who is certain their boring life (albeit, punctuated from time to time by moments of tragedy or pure joy) is something that other bored twenty-something-year-olds will benefit from. Much like my own.
Sorry it's taken so long. It was good to see you all on Christmas. I hope you had a great New Years as well. I miss you and I love you.
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee! That's me squeeling about your really great, long post!
I'm so glad that you had fun with Mom and Bill and Adam and Zoe, and that you were able to get home. :)
I can't wait to hear your podcasts, which I think are basically just uploaded mp3s that people can subscribe to.
Thank you for your excellent reviews of all things art. I would LOVE it if you burned me a CD of some of your favorite songs. I think you have really good taste. Also, thank you for your book reviews. I like to read, but I always like to read books/authors that have been recommended to me. Right now I'm reading Vonnegut's Bluebeard. I'll let you know what I think when I'm done. Lastly, thanks for the warning about Superbad. I've been conflicted about whether or not I want to see it, but I'll pass.
I love you and miss you too! We'll be out again the weekend of April 26... Daniel's in another wedding.
Good stuff man! How's the new mic been working out for you. I'll be looking forward to hear what you record.
I hope everything else is going well for you and not too monotonous. Take it easy man...
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