Thursday, January 24, 2008

dang it!

They finally got it! sawed my catalytic converter out from the bottom of my truck. i knew it was coming. and sure enough. its funny (well not really funny) but one of the cooks i work with at applebees, he got his 4 runner stolen two weeks ago and they found it missing its cat. now i have to go to Valley Muffler and pay a hundred bucks to have them weld one (probably mine) back on. What a burn. It pretty much comes down to having to take it off and lock it in the back of my truck everytime i have to leave it somewhere. Thats the ONLY way i can think of stopping them. I stripped the heads off of the bolts so they couldn't unbolt it, so they sawed them off instead. the exhaust pipes are too long and crooked to fabricate a thicker "shield" or harness to cover the piping. They steal them in broad daylight and in crowded parking lots and can get them off in less than 60 seconds and the primary targets are toyota tacomas, 4 runners and tundras. Any thoughts? I'm thinking of only using two bolts, one on each end like i had been doing. it allows a little bit of exhaust to leak out but two bolts are better than one when taking it off.

Everythings Gone Green

I've been anticipating seeing this movie for almost a year. It's an indie film and I didn't really look for any theaters that were playing it so I just waited for the DVD to be released. The reason I've wanted to see it is because it's the first story my favorite author, Douglas Coupland, has written for a movie (I think). It's set in the vancouver area and follows a young slacker who finds a new job working for a sweepstakes. Involved are his pot-farming parents, a young asian girl who works on movie sets and her sleazy boyfriend. I found it funny because I found a number of different themes and ideas within the movie that were taken almost verbatim from his different novels. Like a giant hodge-podge of his work. I enjoyed watching the different symbolism they used with colors. Almost everything green in the movie is tinted BRIGHT green. It was interesting to see how his novels actually look from his perspective, but even then, I've decided that they are better left as novels. Movies tend to need a little more substance than what his novels can get away with. You might find this movie bland, I would have if I wasn't thinking about some of my favorite reads the whole time. It's definitely worth a rent though if you enjoy Coupland's novels. [The "play movie" button on the title screen of my DVD doesnt work. All it does is play the title screen again after a minute of Production logos. It took me about fifteen tries before I realized it wasn't going to work. If you encounter the same problem, start the movie from chapter 1 from the chapter selection. Cheap indie films.]


I've heard all sorts of mixed reviews about this movie: The ending was bad. The plot was thin. The camera angles caused motion sickness. The others argue in favor of it's "viral marketing, it's raw and semi-innovative attempt at capturing terror through a video camera and that the ones who enjoy the movie are the people who have been looking for clues within the movies spin-off websites and such."
I'm going to side with those in favor of Cloverfield. The first preview I saw was the teaser they released at the beginning of Transformers. It had no title, it was just the clip of the party and the head of the statue of liberty crashing into it. Viral Marketing. Everyone wanted to know what it was or what it was about. Then they created fake myspace pages for each of the seven main characters. Not corny advertisement pages littered with references to the movie. They were legitimately run, with elaborate histories and conversations between the characters on their pages referencing normal things they had been up to for the following months before the movie's release. Each character's last registered login date is 1/18/08, the day the movie was released and the date of the attack, i think. I noticed a picture of the character Beth hanging onto the side of her surfboard on a mantle at the beginning of the movie. Her myspace page talks about how much she loves surfing but sucks at it. Other websites were created to further the backstory behind the monster and instances when it surfaced (which little is still known about, in fact you barely even see it in the movie). I'm under the impression that the websites were all constructed very carefully and made to be very authentic. It's these minute details that has people going nuts for this movie. They touched on the same things that the Blair Witch did. Make people think it's really happening, even if they know it isn't. It creates a personal bond between the viewer and the character when they perceive them as real people. And it was this bond for me, plus the raw and seamless camcorder footage, that made it hard to watch different characters get picked off. One character's was pretty gruesome, and without the normal Hollywood editing and different camera angles, it really felt like you were there.
So yes, if you got sick during the Blair Witch Project, you'll probably get sick during Cloverfield. It's another experimental attempt at creating a new type of cinematography. It is supposed to be raw and unedited. You aren't supposed to know whats happening any more than the characters who are in the middle of it. It's not a feel-good movie, it's one you watch for it's environments. How they close they can get blending CGI special effects with a shaky, hand-held recording. If you just go into it expecting little, you'll get a lot more from this movie.

Monday, January 21, 2008

quick update

I've been surfing a lot more the last couple of weeks. I decided around Christmas that I was going to cut alcohol completely out of my diet for the new year. Not even occasional drinks with coworkers or wherever. It's an expensive habit and there really isn't anything good that comes from it. Just headaches and acting goofy. So with all of this extra money I've saved from not going to bars and being able to wake up really early in the morning has allowed me to go surfing more and more. It's really showing in my performance. I stopped surfing around senior year and it's only been about a year that I've been surfing with my neighbors consistently. But more and more I notice that I'm catching more waves than the people surfing around me. It used to be intimidating surfing with a dozen other people around you in the water (everybody in a wetsuit looks like a better surfer than you) but I've been carving the waves around them and it's a great feeling to see yourself getting better at something you really enjoy.

I was surfing with Brad down at Carlsbad on friday morning. While we were out we noticed dolphins jumping through the swells out in front of us. That's pretty normal, to see dolphins out there. But I turned around to paddle on a wave and right before I stood up, two dolphins jumped out of the water in front of my board, literally a foot or two away from it. It startled me so badly I almost fell. They sure are pretty animals, but there's nothing more unsettling than sitting in the water and seeing dark gray fins coming from the water in front of you. Ick...

Speaking of sealife. I was at San Onofre on Saturday morning and we had a really low-tide that afternoon. After I finished surfing I was poking around the exposed reef because the water was so low. I found little fish and brittle starfish and hermit crabs and stuff. I also found a baby octopus about the size of my hand. I picked it up and when I went to put it back inside the kelp it inked everywhere :-) Anyways it got me wanting a saltwater fish tank. It would be neat to have a tank to maintain and keep some of the neat things I find down at the beach. Like algae or fish and stuff. I've been reading up on them, I want to know as much about what kind of lighting and ways of maintaining pH levels before I actually buy one or put anything alive into it.

I got some bad news a couple of days ago from a coworker. At first I thought it was just a rumor. Then I asked my neighbor when I got home from work who is a regular at Barros and he confirmed it. Then just yesterday, I randomly saw an old coworker from Barros outside of Applebees and he confirmed it as well. Lim, the owner who bought the restaraunt last year, shot his wife and daughter and then himself. They had a foreign exchange student living with them who hid in the closet during the entire ordeal. The sheriffs arrived and the daughter was still alive, albeit shot in the head. The wife had already passed. Daniel, the son who I had worked with the most, is still running the restaurant. I don't know why he wasn't involved in the incident. I cant imagine what going through losing your family to those circumstances is like, nor do I want to. It gives me the creeps just thinking about it and makes me incredibly sad.

Sorry. No reviews this week.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

when i've lost my way i'll stumble back to lost and found

I want to thank mom and Bill for having me come out last weekend. It was really great to see them. I pigged out so hard. We ate at New York, New York and I ate snow crab for the first time. We also went up to the mountains on my last day out and went sledding and listened to Jack Johnson on the drive up. Mom bought me a really cool jacket, I've been wearing it ever since I walked out of the store with it. Zoe gave me a neat journal, with a big wave on the front of it that will be perfect to use once the one I'm using now is full. Adam got me a Jimi Hendrix DVD, but he opened it to watch it first before I even came out hahaha. The only snag was when I got to the airport to fly home, i realized my flight home was for the 26th, not the 6th. Luckily I got on standby and made my flight. Except the guy next to me was bombed out of his skull. I was preparing to get barfed on the whole flight back. It was great to see everyone. It was definitely needed after the monotony of going to work and coming home and then going to work again. However, I miss them all so much already.

How was everyone's New Years? Mine was great. This year, as part of my resolutions, I opted not for going out and getting hammered with friends or what have you. So instead I went camp
ing with Brad and Junior down at San Mateo. We surfed San Onofre beach all afternoon on New Year's Eve and it was ridiculously packed with surfers. We made a giant fire at our campsite and grubbed on burritos. Then I read all night in the back of my truck, farting up a storm in my sleeping bag. The next morning we walked down to Trestles Beach, a world-famous beach that I don't usually go to because it's so crowded. However, at 5am on New Years Day all of the other surfers had hangovers, leaving the beach completely to us :) I got a lot of good runs in and it was a great way to start off the New Year.

some of my Christmas money Dad gave me, I bought a condenser microphone to record with. What's neat about it is that it connects directly to my computer with a USB cable. There is no need for an expensive interface. It's not the best for recording but its perfect for what I do; recording acoustic songs in my bedroom. I've even been thinking about podcasting. But I don't even know what podcasting is so I'll have to check that out as soon as I get a chance.
e finished two songs so far this week. One is an acoustic cover of an old song by Over It i used to listen to a lot in high school. It's called Blackball. The lyrics really relate to a lot of things that have changed in my life this last year. Leaving tiefighter, turning away from old friends and habits I don't agree with. And especially how much I enjoy surfing. A beach is blackballed when the current gets too strong to surf safely in. I guess you could say the same about different aspects of my life as well.

Despite the din the only thing
I hear
is a screaming thought spun in my mind
The need to tell you that
A voice I left behind is following, growing, calling me back.
Just once I wish that some great wave would spray and sweep me off these feet
e cribs got cracks and they all think i'm slipping
Sometimes we fall, sometimes its safe
to hide behind a false face,
This time I've got no faith to hide
Just perfect hindsight.
t me out if you can
And if it's unfair, well life's not fair.
So much for pipe dreams,

You label me, I'll level you.
Equipped for this in full; if you've got threats
Come on take your best shot
n I've lost my way I'll stumble back to the lost and found.

e other is an original song I wrote a few years ago after Lindsay and I broke up. It's called A Grand Occasion and it was originally supposed to be the title track to the Code Brown Revival EP. However that EP never happened. The original lyrics to this song were pretty boo-hoo and sappy. Eddie (the chubby baby-faced singer of tiefighter) and I recorded it in his bedroom in 2004. I gave it to her and she gave it back saying she didn't care to hear it. But everyone else thought it was a good song so I decided to re-record it, only now it has slightly different lyrics. The lyrics are up on the myspace. Both of them are available to listen to at

Now, for a whopping five whole reviews...

On A Wire by The Get Up Kids
The Get Up Kid's 2000 breakthrough album, Something To Write Home About, has kind of become the anthem to my life. I'm not sure why it has (besides it being a really really good album) but it's followed me, year to year since I was in junior high. Maybe it was the shirt I bought when I was 14, the black one with the Godfather font across the front. The one I still wear despite all of the holes, deodorant pit stains and age. Maybe it's because I can listen to the album over and over and not get tired of it, the epic snare rolls, crescendos and conviction of the opening track "Holiday" to the soft ballads like "I'll Catch You". Whatever it is, I'm confident that when I'm forty years old, if I listen to Something To Write Home About, I'll remember every single person I've met in the last eight years. So how does a band or an artist live up to standards set by their listeners? They cant. On A Wire came out in 2002 and I almost totally forgot that it was ever released until two weeks ago when I found their Myspace page. There are two standout songs on it, the opening track "Overdue" and "Walking On A Wire", both of which are decent but nothing to write home about.

Hope This Finds You Well by Further Seems Forever
This is a compilation album of Further Seems Forever's three albums. All three had different singers. The first, the singer from Dashboard Confessional, was more upbeat with infectious choruses. The second, some guy who I don't really care for that sounds like every other emo singer. The third being the best, in my opinion, with just a little more character to his voice. They were big while I was in high school but I never really got into them. But now I enjoy the songs I've accumulated from cds Lindsay gave me and various Tooth and Nail compilations. I didn't know which album to buy so this one worked well. There are covers of NSYNC's "Bye Bye Bye" and Weezer's "Say It Aint So" which are interesting for a listen and my favorite songs of the band's career are "Pictures of Shorelines" and "New Year's Project", both of which play very well over my stereo on cold mornings driving down to the beach to go surfing. Itunes labels them as Religious and Gospel and they are/were signed to Tooth and Nail but they still sound pretty secular for the most part. Songs that can be interpreted different ways. Except for the song "Light Up Ahead" which is beautifully composed with a sincere and straightforward chorus. I have been switching between the album version and acoustic version nonstop in my car all week. Its an amazing song. You can hear it (if you haven't already) at or I can burn it for you and mail it you.

16 Blocks starring Bruce Willis, Mos Def, David Morse
Bruce Willis stars as an alcoholic NYPD detective assigned to transport a convict (Mos Def) to a courthouse 16 blocks away from the station. However, Mos Def is a witness set to testify against the misconduct of Willis' detective colleagues (David Morse) who will stop at nothing to make sure Mos Def stays quiet. What ensues is the choice Willis must make between staying loyal to his corrupt friends or saving an innocent life, all within the short distance of 16 blocks. It's a good movie, definitely worth a rent. We watched it at mom's house. However, Mos Def's accent super annoying.

Superbad starring a fat kid, a skinny kid and the nerdy kid who plays Mclovin
For like two months, I'd hear this question at least twenty times a day: "Hey, have you seen SUPERBAD yet?" Seriously. Every day. I didn't think the 40 year old virgin was very funny, with all of the profanity and cheap sex jokes, Steve Carrell's (sp?) acting kept the movie afloat. I didn't even bother with Knocked Up. But Superbad looked different and I guess for the first half of the movie, it was. The cheap sex jokes and profanity were there, but it still made me laugh. Actually, the scene in the science lab made me laugh really hard. But somewhere near the climax of the movie, it gets extremely boring and the plot seems to fall apart. Kind of shame. Hopefully we'll start to see the "I am McLovin!" one-liners die off. I was sick of them before I even saw the movie.

A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius written by Dave Eggers
AHWOSG is a memoir of the author's life in his twenties. His parents die off within a few months of each other and force him and his siblings into moving away from Michigan to the Berkeley/San Francisco areas. He faces the daunting task of taking care of his eight year old brother, maintaining relationships, mourning the loss of his parents, starting his own magazine and keeping his sanity. It is written with a few different creative elements. Character's whose dialogue falls out of character by the author's own imagination, run on sentences, little diagrams within the context and so forth.
I am a fan of memoirs, or faux-memoirs. Any book that can take something boring like working at Staples or throwing a frisbee on a beach and make it interesting probably has great commentary, dialogue or creative writing styles. That's why I'm such a fan of Douglas Coupland, and why my novel resembles these sort of memoirs. I think Douglas Coupland is a better writer than Dave Eggers but at the same time, my novel closely resembled AHWOSG even before I read it, I think it would be optimal to check out some of Egger's other works for inspiration. Because it didn't read like a novel written by an accomplished novelist, it read like a plea from just another twenty-something-year-old. One who is certain their boring life (albeit, punctuated from time to time by moments of tragedy or pure joy) is something that other bored twenty-something-year-olds will benefit from. Much like my own.

Sorry it's taken so long. It was good to see you all on Christmas. I hope you had a great New Years as well. I miss you and I love you.